Legend - FF = Families & Friends Only (Al-Anon, Alateen and prospective members - anyone affected by someone else's drinking)   
               FFO = Families, Friends, & Observers (includes above plus professionals, social work students, etc., are welcome to observe for informational purposes)  
               E = English  S = Spanish   N = Newcomers Meeting   H = Handicap Access   A = AA on Premise   St = Step
NOTE: Most meetings do meet on holidays such as Dec 25 and Jan 1, but see notes below

* COVID-19 note: Due to current restrictions, only those meetings listed with "In Person" next to the town name are confirmed as opened to meet in-person. Covid protocols may vary according to meeting requirements. 
Meeting Town Meeting Day Time Meeting Place Meeting Address Notes and Needs Legend
Avon - In  Person * Sunday 7:00 PM Avon Congregational Church 6 W. Main St. Enter through gate off the parking lot where playground is FF,E,H
WSO ID 30844290
Bethel - In Person * and via Zoom  Sunday 7:00 PM St Thomas Episcopal Church 95 Greenwood Ave
Mtg ID: 592 682 411
Passcode: 991835
Phone: 1-929-205-6099
Men's Meeting. Use back door to basement.

Bridgeport - In  Person * Sunday 5:30 PM Calvary St. St George Episcopal Church 755 Clinton Ave   FFO,E,H
Cheshire - Via Zoom Sunday 10:30 AM

CT Area Permanent Electronic Group

Mtg ID: 879 5652 3667
WSO ID 47460
Danielson - In Person * Sunday 2:00 PM  United Methodist Church 9 Spring St Meeting in church hall
Use the large parking lot behind Key Bank. Enter through door on the side of the church
WSO ID 2279
Darien - In Person * Sunday 10:00 AM   Darien YMCA 2420 Post Road    E
Granby - In Person * Sunday 7:00 PM  South Cong. Church
242 Salmon Brook St
Mtg held outside weather permitting
Parish Hall - AA Nearby
Milford - Via Zoom Sunday 6:00 PM  CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 946 1610 1274
1st Sunday - Step of the month (Paths to Recovery)
2nd Sunday - Tradition of the month (Paths to Recovery)
3rd Sunday - Concept of the month (Paths to Recovery)
4th Sunday - Blueprint for Progress
5th Sunday - Open Topic 
WSO ID 30586157
Monroe - Canceled until further notice Sunday 7:00 PM St Peters Episcopal Church 175 Old Tannery Rd Rt. 111 near Green Step & Tradition Mtg. FF,E,St
Mystic - Via Zoom
Sunday 7:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 848 9841 1626
Pwd: 482623
Men's meeting

WSO ID 30832933
New Canaan - In Person * Sunday 10:30 AM Silver Hill Hospital 208 Valley Road Jurgenson Building, Rm 1 FFO,E
WSO ID 2347
New Canaan - Via Zoom * Sunday 10:30 AM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group https://us06web.zoom.us/j/84004465749?pwd=cDNhV3AxSFJCS3JvM3lDNmtvQTNEUT09
Mtg ID: 840 0446 5749
Pwd: 744167
New Haven - Via Zoom Sunday 7:30 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 872 4265 2746
WSO ID 2237
Newington - Via Zoom
7:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 857 8483 3723
Dial in: +1 646 558 8656
Old Lyme - In Person * Sunday  7:00 PM St Ann's Episcopal Church 82 Shore Rd 1 Hour FF,E
Portland - In Person * Sunday 7:00 PM First Cong. Church 554 Main St
email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. FFO,E,H
Stamford - In Person * and via Zoom Sunday 10:00 AM  Tully Health Center 32 Strawberry Hill Court
Mtg ID: 876 0431 3415
Pwd: 772131
Step/Trad Mtg
Conf. Room B

WSO ID 504097
Washington - Canceled until further notice Sunday 6:00 PM Salem Covenant Church 96 Baldwin Hill Rd FF,E
Waterbury - In Person *  Sunday 6:30 PM Christ Church 2030 East Main St   FF,E,N
West Hartford - In Person * Sunday  7:00 PM St Thomas The Apostle Church 872 Farmington Ave Parish hall, lower church. Enter elevator from the parking lot or red door to lower church  FFO,E 
Wilton - In Person * and via Zoom Sunday 6:00 PM Wilton Congregational Church 70 Ridgefield Rd
For Zoom meeting information, email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Ch. Office Bldg - 2nd Fl. Rm M-5 1 hr. Mtg.
WSO ID 30544083
Bozrah - In Person * and via Zoom  Monday 6:30 PM Bozrah Congregational Church 23 Bozrah  St
Mtg ID: 846 5993 5294
Pwd: 121212
Exit 23 off Route 2 Elevator or stairs to 2nd FL

Colchester - Via Zoom Monday
5:00 PM

CT Area Permanent Electronic Group

Mtg ID: 848 7297 9806
Pwd: 064427

1 Hour

Canton Center (formerly Collinsville) - In Person * Monday  7:00 PM Canton Center Church 184 Cherry Brook Road
Enter on the side by the
General Store
WSO ID 29681
Darien - In Person * and via Zoom Monday 7:30 PM Darien YMCA 2420 Post Road
Mtg ID: 897 8269 4089
Pwd: 012243
Adult Children  FFO,E
WSO ID 24514
Dayville Monday 6:30 PM United Services 1007 N Main St. No meetings on Federal Holidays. FF,E,H,A
Fairfield - In Person * and via Zoom Monday 7:00 PM Fairfield Grace Methodist Church 1089 Fairfield Woods Rd
Mtg ID: 821 7352 9619
Park on side street between library and church. Go through gate & up sidewalk to back door.  FF,E
WSO ID 2157
Glastonbury - In Person * and via Zoom Monday 7:30 PM St James Episcopal Church 2584 Main St
Mtg ID: 236 095 676
Pwd: 012022
Newcomer's Meeting 7:00PM


Guilford - In Person * Monday
8:00 AM  First Congregation Church 122 Broad St. 1 Hour
Women's Book Study Side door to 2nd floor
Hamden - Via Zoom Monday 7:30 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 932 7653 6851
Pwd: 728023


WSO ID 2177

Killingly Monday 6:30 PM See Dayville
Litchfield - In Person * Monday  8:00 PM First Congregational Church of Litchfield 21 Torrington Rd  AA Nearby FFO,E
Milford - In Person *and via Zoom Monday 7:00 PM First United Church of Christ
Plymouth Building
18 W Main St
Mtg ID: 910 008 153

Parent's Meeting
WSO ID 39715
Mystic - In Person * and via Zoom Monday 7:00 PM Union Baptist Church 119 High St
Mtg # 320 485 8172
Pwd: 212120
 Enter Liberty St FFO,E
New Canaan - In Person * Monday 12:00 PM St Marks Church 111 Oenoke Ridge Adult Child Meeting
Youth Room
New Fairfield - In Person * Monday 7:00 PM New Life United Methodist Church 1 Beaver Bog Road One hr. meeting FF,E,N
New Haven - In Person * and via Zoom  Monday 7:30 PM Bethesda Lutheran Church
305 St. Ronan St
Mtg ID: 244 196 7049

Parish House Parlor

WSO ID 2236
Norwalk - In Person * and via Zoom Monday 7:30 PM St Peter's Lutheran Church 208 Newtown Ave
Mtg ID: 832 2154 0786
Pwd: 813892

1 Hour Mtg
Norwich - See Bozrah Monday 6:30 PM     Moved 5/22/23  
Orange - In Person *  Monday  10:00 AM  Holy Infant Church 450 Racebrook Rd   FF,E 
Orange - Via Zoom  Monday 10:00 AM  CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 951 2404 1046
Oxford - In Person * Monday 7:30 PM Immanuel Lutheran Church 25 Great Hill Rd Meets in church hall FF,E
WSO ID 30785698
Plainville - In Person * Monday 10:00 AM Cong. Church 130 W Main St 
Basement downstairs, side entrance

Sharon - In Person * and via Zoom  Monday 6:00 PM United Methodist Church 112 Upper Main St
Mtg ID: 205 094 7289
Pwd: 12Steps
Entrance in rear of church

South Windsor - In Person * Monday 7:00 PM St Peters Episcopal Church 99 Sand Hill Rd

Annex in back parking lot

Southbury - In Person * Monday 10:00 AM United Church of Christ 283 Main St

Enter side door marked "Office". Meet in the Parlor on 2nd floor. Use elevator or stairs.

WSO ID 30851033
Wallingford - In Person *
Spanish Meeting
Monday 7:00 PM Wallingford First Baptist  114 North Main St Main and Handicap access from parking lot at back of church; also a side Church Street entrance
Aprendiendo a Vivir GFA
Wallingford - In Person * Monday  7:30 PM Gaylord Hospital  Gaylord Farm Rd.
Chauncey Conf. Bldg
Use ambulance entrance - small bldg. on right FF,E,H
Warehouse Point - In Person * Monday  7:00 PM St Johns Episcopal Church 92 Main St FF,E,H
West Hartford - In Person * and via Zoom Monday 6:00 PM Westminster Presbyterian Church
2080 Boulevard

For Zoom information, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
1 Hour
Step/Tradition/Concept Study
Handicap Access
Will meet only on Zoom during inclement weather.

West Haven - In Person * Monday 1:00 PM Johnson Community Center 201 Noble Street Second Floor
Closed on public holidays
Wethersfield - In Person * Monday
10:00 AM Trinity Episcopal Church 300 Main St
Cheshire - In Person * Tuesday  7:00 PM St Peter's Episcopal Church 59 Main Street Side entrance of church FFO,E,H
Danbury - In Person * Tuesday 7:00 PM St-Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church 13 Pembroke Drive
"You Are Not Alone” Upstairs conference room - entrance through double glass doors FF,E,H
Darien - In Person * Tuesday 7:30 PM St Thomas More School 374 Middlesex Rd Newcomers after main meeting ends
In Converted Garage
Fairfield  - In Person * Tuesday 12:15 PM St Pauls Episcopal Church 661 Old Post Rd Use the side door near parking lot FF,E
Fairfield - In Person * and via Zoom  Tuesday 7:00 PM St Pauls Episcopal Church
661 Old Post Rd
Mtg ID: 861 7783 3417
Parent's Mtg
WSO ID 64056
Glastonbury - In Person * Tuesday 7:00 PM St James Church 2584 Main St Women's Mtg
Town parking ban cancels mtg
WSO ID 50722
Guilford - In Person * Tuesday 7:00 PM First Congregational Church 122 Broad St 1 Hour
Meeting in Chapel
Enter through doors on Church St
Hartford Tuesday 7:00 pm Our Lady of Sorrows Rectory 16 Greenwood St Basement of Rectory FFO,S,A
Manchester Tuesday 7:00 PM Manchester Church of Christ 592 Tolland Trnpk Not Open During Snow Storms FFO,E
Middletown - In Person * and via Conference Call Tuesday 7:00 PM Adath Israel Synagogue 8 Broad St.
Pin: 0821134
Step meeting, water only, Kosher building FFO,E,H,St
Milford - In Person * Tuesday 6:00 PM Trinity Lutheran Church 21 Robert Treat Parkway 2nd Drvwy, Door on Rt. - 1st Rt.- End of Hall-1hr. FF,E
Mystic - In Person * Tuesday 10:30 AM First United Methodist Church 23 Willow St
New Canaan - In Person * Tuesday 12:00 PM St Marks Parish House 111 Oenoke Ridge Conf. Rm. Education Bldg. East Entrance FF,E
New Haven - In Person * and via Zoom  Tuesday 7:30 AM Bethesda Lutheran Church 305 St Ronan St
Parish House parlor
1 Hour Topic Meeting
WSO ID 44443
New Milford - Via Zoom Tuesday 7:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 847 1769 9176
Pwd: 878042
Topic Mtg.

WSO ID 51642
Newington - In Person * Tuesday 7:00 PM United Methodist Church 401 New Britain Ave In the event of bad weather, we will meet on Zoom https://us02web.zoom.us/j/85886008084 FF,E,St
Newtown - In Person * Tuesday 7:00 PM
(6:45 PM Newcomer's)
Newtown Community Center 8 Simpson St Back of Bldg. Meeting on 1st Fl. UPSTAIRS
Newcomer's Meeting at 6:45 PM

WSO ID 30343

North Haven - In Person * Tuesday 10:00 AM North Haven Cong. Church 28 Church St Masks required FF,E,H
Old Saybrook - In Person * Tuesday   7:30 PM First Church of Christ Cong. 366 Main St Parish House
1 Hour
Newcomer's 7:30 PM
Shelton - Via Zoom Tuesday 7:30 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group https://zoom.us/j/704960171   FFO,E
WSO ID 50228
Torrington - Via Zoom Tuesday 6:15 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 832 6994 4882
Passcode: 632357
Step Meeting
Newcomers Welcome
Watertown - In Person * Tuesday 10:00 AM Union Cong. Church 161 Buckingham Step Meeting - (Oakville) FF,E,H,St
West Hartford - Via Zoom Tuesday
12:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 845 0065 5422
Passcode: 316609
Young People & Young at Heart

WSO ID 30616675
Windsor - In Person * and via Conference Call
Tuesday 6:30 PM The Recovery Club 118 Palisado Ave
Phone: 425-436-6376
Access code: 795080
AA nearby FFO,E
WSO ID 2357
Woodbridge - In Person * Tuesday
7:30 PM First Church Of Christ 5 Meeting House Lane
Rear Ent - 2nd Fl
AA - Alateen nearby
Bridgeport - Canceled until further notice Wednesday 7:30 PM St Anns Church Rectory Building 481 Brewster St Parish Activity Center, Building B Basement FFO,E
Cheshire - In Person * Wednesday 10:00 AM First Congregational Church
111 Church St
Park in back
Use rear door
Colchester - In Person * and via Zoom Wednesday 7:00 PM Westchester Congregational Church Cemetery Rd Rt 149
Mtg ID: 829 3309 3061
Pwd: 541106
Meeting in church basement.  Go through side door. FFO,E
Danbury - In Person * Wednesday 12:00 PM MCCA 38 Old Ridgebury Rd One Hour Meeting FFO,E,H
Darien Wednesday 7:00 PM Noroton Presbyterian Church 2011 Post Road Located in The Shac,
red building across parking lot from church
East Woodstock - In Person * Wednesday 7:30 PM East Woodstock Congregational Church 220 Woodstock Rd Mtg is in side chapel of the Church - Woodstock Rd FF,E
Gaylordsville - Via Zoom Wednesday 7:00 PM  CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 780 3393 5209
Pwd: 061140
WSO ID 30641615
Groton - In Person * Wednesday 7:00 PM St. Mary's Church 69 Long Point Road FFO,E,H
Guilford - In Person * Wednesday 10:00 AM First Cong. Church 122 Broad St Lower level Fellowship Hall, ramp at rear door FF,E,H
Hamden - Via Zoom  Wednesday 7:30 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 952 4866 6877
Pwd: 195743
WSO ID: 43147
Hartford - In Person *
Spanish Meeting
Wednesday 7:00 PM Our Lady of Sorrows Rectory 16 Greenwood St Basement of Rectory FFO,S,A,N
Lebanon - In Person * and via Zoom Wednesday 5:15 PM First Congregational Church Of Lebanon 588 Exeter Rd, Rte 207
Mtg ID: 827 7605 2352
Pwd: meet
Use Side Door PULL! FFO,E,H
Mansfield Center - In Person * Wednesday 7:00 PM United Methodist Church 29 Puddin Lane Go in front door, turn right. Handicap accessible FFO,E,H
Milford - In Person * Wednesday  7:30 PM  Mary Taylor Methodist Church 168 - 176 S. Broad St. Wesley Center Building
Parking in rear of church. Use back entrance of the Wesley Center Building. Meeting room is on 1st floor.
New Britain - In Person * Wednesday 7:00 PM Deeper Life Bible Church 147 W Main St In the gymnasium
(next to the library)
New Canaan - In Person * and via Zoom Wednesday 7:30 PM Silver Hill 208 Valley Road
Mtg ID: 820 4143 6207

Parent's Meeting
East Campus: Jurgenson Building-Room 1
WSO ID 66758
Niantic - In Person * and via Zoom Wednesday

6:00 PM

Niantic Community Church

170 Pennsylvania Ave
Mtg ID: 86370256924
Pwd: 910187

One Hour

WSO ID 30661360
North Haven - In Person Wednesday
7:30 PM  St John's Episcopal Church Trumbull St & St John's Enter Rear Entrance - Newcomer's Mtg. 7:00 PM FF,E,N
WSO ID 2256
Old Saybrook - In Person * Wednesday  12:15 PM  First Congregational Church 366 Main St, Saybrook Meeting in Fireplace Room
1 hr. Mtg. Book Study: How Al-Anon Works
Redding - In Person * and via Zoom Wednesday 6:00 PM St Patrick's Church 169 Black Rock Turnpike
Seymour - In Person * Wednesday 7:30 PM Trinity Episcopal Church 91 Church St
Meeting entrance is by side door next to the driveway, meeting is held downstairs. FF,E
Shelton - In Person * Wednesday  12:00 PM Shelton Volunteer Fire Co #4, Pine Rock Park 722 Long Hill Ave "Journey to Recovery" formerly Spooner House FFO,E
Southington - In Person * Wednesday 7:30 PM Hospital of Central CT, Bradley Memorial Campus 81 Meriden Ave 1st floor Conference Room A FF,E,N
WSO ID 30620912
Vernon - In Person * and via Conference Call Wednesday 7:00 PM  St Johns Episcopal Church 523 Hartford Tpk
Phone # 1 605 562-8400 Access 6147661
Westport - In Person * Wednesday 7:30 AM Saugatuck Congregational Church 245 Post Rd East
Rm 109/110
WSO ID 28693
Westport - In Person * Wednesday 7:30 PM Christ Holy Trinity Church

75 Church Lane
Mtg ID: 818 8755 2747
Pwd: 031747


Men's Meeting
AA nearby

Winsted - In Person * Wednesday 7:30 PM First Church Of Winsted 95 North Main Street Rt 8 North & Holabird - Use Bk Dr. - AA nearby FF,E
Woodbury - In Person * Wednesday  10:00 AM St Pauls Episcopal Church 294 Main St. South Corners of S. Main & Rt. 317 FFO,E,H
Avon - In Person * Thursday 7:00 PM Avon Congregational Church 6 W. Main St FFO,E,H
WSO ID 30850786 
Branford - In Person * Thursday  7:30 PM United Methodist Church 811 East Main St Rt 1

Newcomers Meeting
7:00 PM.
Bristol - In Person * Thursday 7:00 PM Faith Lutheran Church 1125 Stafford Ave FF,E,H
Brooklyn - In Person * via Zoom Thursday 10:00 AM Trinity Episcopal Church Meeting Hall 7 Providence Road (Rte 6 &169)
Mtg ID: 336 433 1189
Rear of church, Parish Hall FFO,E,H
Danbury - In Person * Thursday 7:00 PM Church of Christ 90 Clapboard Ridge Rd Backdoor, left down FFO,E
East Haddam - Canceled until further notice Thursday 7:00 PM First Church Of Christ Cong. 499 Town St AA Same building FF,E,H,A
Enfield - In Person * Thursday 9:30 AM Enfield Congregational Church 1295 Enfield St FFO,E,H
Enfield - In Person * and via Zoom Thursday 7:00 PM Enfield Congregational Church 1295 Enfield St

Conference room, rear hallway next to church offices
Newcomers welcome

Fairfield - Via Zoom Thursday 7:30 AM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 894 9513 9432
Pwd: 739548
Or, for voice only:
1 929 205 6099
One Hour Meeting

Greenwich - In Person * and via Zoom Thursday 8:00 PM Greenwich Hospital 5 Perry Ridge Rd
Mtg ID: 889 5258 7423
Pwd: Greenwich

Lower level by Cafeteria
One Hour Meeting
Hartford - Via Zoom (Weekly)

Also in Person * (First and Third Thursday of Month)

Thursday 7:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group

Institute of Living
Mtg ID: 885 7437 1894
Pwd: 915202

200 Retreat Ave

Parents Mtg 1Hr

Main Entrance
park by Donnelly Bldg
Massachusetts cottage

1st Floor Group Room 



Kent - In Person * Thursday 7:00 PM  St Andrews Church  1 North Main St Parish house; entrance door by parking lot FFO,E
Litchfield - In Person * Thursday 7:00 PM Montfort House Retreat Center 83 Montfort Road Uphill at Montford House Retreat Center - Face to Face FFO,E
Manchester - Via Zoom Thursday  7:00 PM  CT Area Permanent Electronic Group
Mtg ID: 212 956 969
Phone: 1-646-558-8656
Pwd: 03041891
Men's Meeting

WSO ID 30531084

Manchester - In Person * Thursday 7:30 PM Second Cong. Church 385 N Main St
Church basement, enter side door, Town parking ban cancels the meeting  FFO,E
WSO ID 2197
Mystic - In Person * (Seasonal April - October only) Thursday  7:00 PM St Edmunds Retreat
Angel Hall
1 Enders Island Park in visitor parking lot. Angel Hall is the first building next to the parking lot FFO,E,H
Naugatuck Thursday  10:00 AM Naugatuck Cong. Church 9 Division Street FFO,E
New Haven - Via Zoom Thursday 12:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 252 540 7878
Pwd: 9Sc9kc

WSO ID 53661
New Haven - Via Zoom Thursday 7:30 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group

Mtg ID: 822 0029 9711
Pwd: ZX5mU0 (last digit is a zero)

WSO ID 2242
Newington - In Person * and via Zoom
7:30 PM Grace Episcopal Church 124 Maple Hill Avenue
Mtg ID: 815 1710 0390
Dial in: +1 719 359 4580,
Women's Meeting FF,E,H
Newington - In Person *
7:30 PM  Grace Episcopal Church 124 Maple Hill Avenue
Mtg ID :870 3931 4106
Men's Meeting FF,E,H
Plantsville - In Person * Thursday
7:00 PM Plantsville Congregational Church 109 Church St    
Simsbury - Via Zoom Thursday 10:00 AM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84080171978?pwd=ZFIrbjNMcUR3eEdOcTRSRXphMTdkUT09
Mtg ID: 840 8017 1978
Passcode: 512540
Or for voice only:1 646 558 8656
Adult Children FF,E,H
WSO ID 38533
Terryville Thursday 10:00 AM Terryville Cong. 233 Main St (Rte 6) FFO,E,H
Trumbull - In Person * Thursday
11:30 AM Trinity Episcopal Church 1734 Huntington Tpke (New location as of 4/6/23. Formerly at Grace Episcopal) FFO,E,St
Trumbull - In Person * and via Zoom Thursday
8:00 PM Trinity Episcopal Church 1734 Huntington Tpke
Alateen in same building

Wallingford - In Person * Thursday  10:00 AM Wallingford First Baptist 114 North Main St Main and Handicap access from parking lot at back of church; also a side Church Street entrance FF,E,H
Westport - In Person * and via Zoom Thursday 8:00 PM Christ Holy Trinity Church 75 Church Lane
Mtg ID: 935 953 3238
Pwd: steppedup
Vestry Room
2nd Floor Tower

WSO ID 30817518
Willington - Stafford - In Person * Thursday 7:00 PM (former) St Jude Church  24 Old Farms Road Less than .25 miles off of Rte 74 on the left, Town school closing or early dismissal cancels the meeting FFO,E,H
WSO ID 501665
Wolcott- In Person * Thursday 7:00 PM All Saints Episcopal Church 282 Bound Line Rd weather permitting: mtg outside-bring a chair. bad weather: mtg inside w social distancing FFO,E,St
WSO ID 30794480
Bolton - In Person * Friday 7:30 PM Bolton Congregational Church 228 Bolton Center Rd 1 Hour meeting
12 Weeks Step and 12 Weeks Topic
In Chandler Hall, large building behind church
Clinton - In Person * Friday  10:00 AM First Church Of Christ 55 Church Rd. Back entrance. Meeting in chapel FFO,E
East Haven - In Person * Friday 7:00 PM Christ & Epiphany Church 39 Park Place
Back entrance, 2nd floor
One hour meeting
Fairfield - In Person * and via Zoom Friday 12:15 PM St Paul's Episcopal Church 661 Old Post Rd
WSO ID 2156
Hamden - In Person * Friday 7:30 PM Mount Carmel Congregational Church  3284 Whitney Ave Meeting in church hall up the ramp FF,E
WSO ID 44360
Manchester - In Person * and via Conference Call Friday
10:00 AM South United Methodist Church 1226 Main St
712 832 8330
access code 304 2007
Newcomer's Meeting 9:30AM (in-person only), Town school closing limits access to Conference Call only FFO,E,N
WSO ID 2195
Milford - In Person * Friday 7:30 PM United Church Of Christ 18 West Main St FF,E
New Hartford - Canceled until further notice Friday 10:00 AM St John's Episcopal Church 42 Church St
Phone 301-715-8592
New Haven - In Person * Friday 7:30 AM Bethesda Lutheran Church 305 St Ronan St.
Parish House parlor
1 hour Step Meeting
WSO ID 44443
New London - In Person * and via Zoom  Friday 7:00 PM  All Souls Unitarian Universalist Church
19 Jay Street
Mtg ID: 832 1792 2313
Pwd: 1906320
Newington - In Person * Friday
9:30 AM First Cong Church Of Christ 1075 Main St Babysitting FFO,E,H
Redding - Via Zoom Friday 5:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group https://zoom.us/j/592682411? Workbook Meeting FFO,E
Ridgefield - In Person * and via Zoom Friday 12:00 PM Jesse Lee Memorial United Methodist Church 207 Main St
Mtg ID: 592 682 411
Passcode: 991835
Phone: 1-929-205-6099
The chapel, rear parking lot of Jesse Lee church
1 hour

Rocky Hill - In Person * and via Zoom  Friday 7:30 PM St James Church
767 Elm St
Mtg ID: 883 3774 5974
Pwd: 121212
Salisbury -  Via Zoom Friday 6:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 205 094 7289
Pwd: 12Steps

WSO ID 501532
Simsbury - In Person * Friday
4:00 PM Simsbury United Methodist Church

799 Hopmeadow St

Topic/Step/Tradition Mtg. FFO,E,H
WSO ID 43853
Southington - Via Zoom Friday 6:00 PM
CT Area Permanent Electronic Group https://us02web.zoom.us/j/84812647679
Ph: 1-646-558-8656
Mtg ID: 848 1264 7679
Passcode: 481435 

Adult Child of Alcoholic
WSO ID 30687412
Stamford - In Person * and via Zoom
Friday 12:00 PM First Presbyterian Church 1101 Bedford St
Pwd: FridayFour
4th Step Meeting

WSO ID 30625069
Stratford In Person * and via Zoom
Friday 7:30 PM  Christ Episcopal Church 2000 Main Street
Mtg ID: 895 8072 1616
Parking and entrance in the rear of the Church


Wallingford - Via Zoom Friday 10:00 AM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87498821773
Mtg ID: 874 9882 1773
Phone: 929-205-6099
Blueprint for Progress Meeting FFO,E,H
WSO ID 51714
Westport - In Person * Friday 7:30 AM Saugatuck Congregational Church 245 Post Rd East
Rm 109/110

WSO ID 28693
Bristol - In Person * Saturday 9:30 AM  First Cong. Church 31 Maple St FFO,E
Colchester - In Person * and via Conference Call Saturday 9:30 AM Colchester Federated Church 60 Main St
Phone: 1-605-562-8400
Access Code: 7238944
Babysitting available FFO,E,A
Danbury - In Person * and via Zoom Saturday 9:30 AM St-Nicholas Byzantine Catholic Church

13 Pembroke Rd
Mtg ID # 952 828 385
Passcode: 760106

Upstairs conference room - entrance through double glass doors FF,E,H,St
Darien - In Person * Saturday 10:00 AM St Luke's Episcopal 1864 Post Road E
Durham - In Person * Saturday 9:30 AM  United Churches of Durham 228 Main St   FFO,E
Fairfield - In Person * and via Zoom Saturday 9:00 AM Greenfield Hill Congregational Church Barn  
1053 Old Academy Road
Mtg ID: 880 8038 3604
Pwd: 333514

Women's Meeting,
Babysitting available
Madison - In Person * Saturday  8:00 AM North Madison Cong. Church 1271 Durham Rd, (Rt  79)
On Circle, Rear entrance, 1 Hour, BYOCTC FFO,E
Manchester - In Person * Saturday 11:00 AM
Pathfinders Club
102 Norman Street Group meeting in person at 11:10 am after AA leaves FFO,E,H,A
Meriden - In Person *
Spanish Meeting 
Saturday   4:00 PM Group Serinedad Comm. Center 30 Center St. Acceso Para Minusvalidos FFO,S,H
Milford - In Person * Saturday
8:30 AM

Trinity Lutheran Church
25 Robert Treat Parkway

Newcomer's Meeting
2nd Drvwy, Door on Rt. - 1st Rt.- End of Hall
WSO ID 500373
Milford - In Person * Saturday
9:30 AM

Trinity Lutheran Church
25 Robert Treat Parkway

2nd Drvwy, Door on Rt. - 1st Rt.- End of Hall FF,E,N
WSO ID 500373
Milford - Via Zoom Saturday 9:30 AM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group Mtg ID: 851 3567 6345
1 Hour

WSO ID 30818646
New Haven - In Person * and via Zoom Saturday 10:30 AM Bethesda Lutheran Church 305 St Ronan Street
Mtg ID: 337 126 3018

Parish House, Parlor room

Norwich - Canceled until further notice Saturday 12:00 PM Lee Memorial United Methodist Ch 294 Washington St
Mtg ID: 831 4696 6744
Pwd: 121212
Old Greenwich - In Person * and via Zoom Saturday 10:00 AM First Congregational Church 108 Sound Beach Ave
Mtg ID: 873 7960 3346
Passcode: satmeeting
Doors are only open 9:45-10:15
1 Hour
Stratford - In Person * and via Zoom Saturday
Only held last Saturday of the Month
7:00 PM United Methodist Church 2600 Main St
Mtg ID: 943 6182 2382
(w AA participation)

Unionville - Via Zoom (Weekly)

Also in Person * - 1st and 3rd Saturday of month
Saturday 4:00 PM CT Area Permanent Electronic Group

Farmington Community & Senior Center
Mtg ID: 878 3432 4907
Pwd: 068380
Phone: 16465588656
Email unionvillesaturday@yahoo.com with any questions.

321 New Britain Ave
Women's Step Meeting FF,E,St 
Waterbury - In Person * Saturday 10:30 AM Walnut Hill Community Church 274 Bunkerhill Ave   FF,E,H
Westport - In Person * Saturday 7:30 AM Saugatuck Congregational Church 245 Post Rd East
Rm 109/110

WSO ID 28693
Westport - In Person * and via Zoom Saturday 7:30 AM Green Farm Congregational Church
71 Hillandale Rd

Mtg ID: 862 1567 0545
Pwd: 121212
Adult Children
Enter through double doors to the right, upstairs, 1st door on right.

Westport - In Person * and via Zoom Saturday 10:30 AM St Luke Stables 84 Long Lots Rd
Mtg ID: 735 7426 2250
Pwd: Serenity
Windsor - In Person * and via Zoom Saturday 10:30 AM  The Heart Church in Poquonock 1817 Poquonock Ave
Mtg ID: 825 5861 3339
Pwd: 709916
Fragrance Free 

WSO ID 2355
Wolcott - In Person * Saturday   9:30 AM All Saints Episcopal Church  282 Bound Line Rd FF,H,E
* COVID-19 note: Only those meetings listed with "In Person" next to the town name are confirmed as opened to meet in-person.  Covid protocols may vary according to meeting requirements.

Legend - FF = Families & Friends Only (Al-Anon, Alateen and prospective members - anyone affected by someone else's drinking)   
               FFO = Families, Friends, & Observers (includes above plus professionals, social work students, etc., are welcome to observe for informational purposes)  
               E = English  S = Spanish   N = Newcomers Meeting   H = Handicap Access   A = AA on Premise   St = Step
NOTE: Most meetings do meet on holidays such as Dec 25 and Jan 1 but check the notes.